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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  October 16, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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>>romney: that's the problem, ad thinthe last four years he cut licenses on federal waters in half. obama: not true. romney: how much did you cut them by? obama: have produced more oil. romney: how much did you cut on federal land in federal waters? obama: there were a whole bunch of water companies. romney: you have a question and the question was how much did you cut. obama: i'm happy to answer the question. romney: and it is? obama: a bunch of oil companies who had these on public lands that they weren't using. so what we said was we can't just sit on this for 10, 20, 30 years, decide when you want to drill, when you want to produce,
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when it is most profitable for you. these are public land so if you want to drill on public land, you use it or you lose it. so took away those leases so it can actually make a profit. romney: production on government land is down 14%. obama: what usa is not true. romney: it is absolutely true. neil: all right, that was a heated exchange over whether the president has been mr. possessing himself saying he is allowed more drilling and the surge of energy supplies on federal land, which in this case governor romney said it is not the case. as you can see they each got into each other space. wilbur ross big on all things energy, what did you make of that exchange? >> i think first of all the facts show mr. romney was correct and the president was not correct.
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neil: so when we see more drilling it is on private land. we are searching for less. >> they're drilling wells, this is the weird thing for revelatory body to determine. neil: the president was saying we were in a recession four years ago. >> is a recession isn't what put gas prices down any more than the man on the moon, gas prices were down for a whole different reason and up for a whole different reason.
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refineries in america have been forced to close because of the epa. being sold, private equity groups are taking very cheap prices hoping to make them work. neil: if mitt romney became president he would presumably ease those rules and easy in their mental protections and there would be a greater risk of disaster. that's one of the arguments. >> take shale gas. there have been 1 million wells drilled for 60 years, namely one big environmental incident occurred in a million wells. neil: if we had had a lot of drilling in these years, wilbur, a lot more than we do, what do you think we would be paying with gas prices? >> i think gas prices would be definitely lower.
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it is pushed in gas prices tax. more importantly, it would be transformed. instead of in a net import. the chemical industry would be rebounded. neil: real quick, who won this debate? >> i think romney won hands down. i am a romney supporter but thinking all romney had to do was not slip up. he took control in the beginning. the moderator agreed with mr. romney that obama had misstated the libyan tragedy. neil: but she correct him to say he did say tear, so it could cut off ways. you think romney did well enough to be now 2-0? >> i think he did more than well
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enough and they will show that. going by what they show. they had had obama 65-35, i bet that will change in the next few days. neil: one thing about the president, thank you, wilbur, very much. he is still in the debate room. i sought a and romney, i'm sure mitt romney is there as well. they are not leaving. he was like a puff of smoke. he is hanging around, a lot of his supporters breathing a sigh of relief. he did better than denver. he did that. ashley webster looking at the futures markets. not exclusively on this, but what have you got, ashley? >> let's look at the asian markets really start this wednesday, there they already underway going gangbusters.
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here and here up, up 911 9115 points, 1.33%. you mentioned the futures, neil. they were slightly positive before the debate began but as the evening wore on we saw the futures turned slightly marginally lower. whether that has anything to do with the debate, your guess is as good as mine but obviously they acted in unison turning negative. governor patrick of massachusetts was talking earlier he thought the american people watching this debate very closely. it is also true investors around the world or watch the presidential debates very closely because it has a big impact. we know mitt romney said he replaced ben bernanke but also have a more corporate friendly policy going forward. so there's a lot at stake not only here in the united states but investors in markets around the world also keeping a very
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close eye on what is going on. neil: ashley webster, thank you very much. the fox business story going on were a lot of you by the ratio of 9:one picked mitt romney. the president winning 37% to 30%. the rest of the folks had no idea. it is fair to say that the president did better in this debate that h than he did the l3 debate. that doesn't mean the governor romney performed any less, just as the president did better. i know you're a big romney backer, could be a big capitalist. that was the difference, right? i noticed the same governor
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romney two weeks ago, this time he had somebody to debate with though. >> i think the president did better. it wasn't a high bar, but the president did better. i expected him to explain why he should be reelected, why the four years were better than we think and for governor romney to come out and explain why the last four years were not so good. neil: he was talking, a great speaker, paraphrasing, but the record is what the record is and he tried, but was more like saying he failed. now the president would come back and say the trend going forward, it is looking good, we are on the right path. is that a convincing argument? >> not that anybody looks into the facts. 23 million unemployed, second-quarter overgrowth 1.3% can't mention it was lower this year than last year, lower lesser than the year before by 1.3% is absurd.
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we can't even keep up with population growth with a number of jobs around. neil: romney even turn that around to say the 5 million were talking about doesn't even watch the population growth. does that resonate or no? >> it should resonate. the economy is in bad shape. one of the people, how is my life going to get better? neil: here's my crackpot theory, they were no more undecided than i am post-salad. some of the questions were loaded. i am not saying they had their minds made up, but some of those questions were loaded to go after romney. >> they were, and they were selected. the moderator knew what they were before the debate. so if you were romney supporter,
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you probably felt that way. and i did. i cannot say fo if other people felt that way or not. neil: the wa ide would have 82 undecided people, but i guess moving forward whether this moves anything, or does that heighten the pressure next week or what? >> i don't think this slows the momentum. i think he has the momentum and will continue to move forward and the president did better, that will make his supporters feel better much like joe biden made the democrats face feel better. neil: just watching this knowing who is nick and their point in sticking to it, looking the other in the face, the president really came to his game in the second half-hour. a lot of people i know go to sleep, they would have missed that. >> obviously they missed the better par part of a pressdent
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debate it will be better for mitt. the fact he did better reds them up. i don't think it stopped his momentum and momentum is what we need going into november 6. the momentum is still there. people for president obama before this will feel better not to mention other people. moderators on other networks cannot be a subset this time because he sought a better barack obama talk. it does not make the economy better, does not make what happened in libya better or what is happening in the middle east better, it means barack obama did not look as bad this time as it did last time. neil: thank you very much. whether you are the left or right with this, folks, that is where it comes down to. the president put in a better performance tonight. now whether that moves the
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needle on the polls in the debate reaation all over, we're getting some of these. i will update you on, giving it to mitt romney. david axelrod is the campaign manager leaving this room now. the blue signs flooded in here, the red signs flooded in here. they're still in the room, the candidates themselves. nobody will leave this house. the last guest to leave, ordering pay-per-view and rating your refrigerator. it is very similar. we will have governor jan brewer joining us and the whole arizona thing heating up. how do the candidates perform on that? she will be here on that after this. ♪
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ask your doctor about spiriva. neil: all right, you've been getting a chance to write us and let us know. you have been tweaking, you have been e-mailing. wanted to give an example from a lot of you on fox business. e-mailing the following that
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obama truly believes money belongs to the government, not the citizens. another one coming pretty much to the fact i can't wait for romney to lower the burden on american small businesses like the ones my parents on. another barack obama much more energetic and engaging the second time around performance. that is something the democratic mayor of los angeles have been saying to me. it was a game-changer for the president, right? he needed to do that. >> no question, and was a dominating performance. neil: can use a dominating, what do you mean? >> if it was a boxing match, he knocked him out in the first or second round. neil: you were drinking heavily, weren't you? dominating? >> attacking on the tax plan which didn't add up and the jobs
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plan. neil: the governor backed the president up on his record, not his rhetoric. >> i didn't see that happen. i have never seen a president fact checked by the moderator on the spot. she thought he misstated the facts when he said the president said it was an act oo terror. neil: that implied would romney was saying was a lie. what he was getting at was it took two weeks to call it a terrorist act. there is a difference between terror and terrorists. >> i don't think she was implying he was lying, she was merely asked checking him. made clear what he was saying was not true. neil: the fact she didn't do the same against the president when he got a couple things wrong on romney's record, you were happy with that? >> i thought she was fairly
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assertive with both candidates. neil: i thought it was like animal house. but i enjoyed that. it was good tv. do you get a sense, and i understand just as the president was engaged in this one versus the last one, you were saying something profound, in the end it is a close race and a closer race still. >> this will be a very close race. neil: some of that support the president had was beginning to inch, and you think it's stopped tonight? >> it might inch a little more in the president's direction. it could go back in the next few days in mr. romney's direction. neil: is the next debate in
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florida the rubber match? >> the campaign that has the strongest, deepest grass-roots efforts to get out the vote will win and i think that will be president obama's -- neil: reminded me of this, they were not as bad as tonight. >> mr. romney's job tomorrow will be to do with the president did the day after the last debate and that is go out on the hunt. neil: this is where you and i disagree. i don't think governor romney was any less productive than he was two weeks ago. the president was more effective, that is the difference. >> the difference was the president backed him up throughout the night on the facts and statements made that contradicted.
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neil: you didn't see any signs of the president backing him up? >> for the most part i thought it was managed well. the commander in chief gave performance tonight. neil: do you ever find out what was his problem to israel? >> i can tell you this, tonight he was as strong as i have ever seen him. neil: i think there is a lot of red bull going around. mayor, thank you very much, good to see you. i think the mayor is right on that point, just a general rate of this, he was just, much more intuitive thainto it than he was ago and that is the divergence you are seeing. you go to "the huffington post" that if the president won it, go to the numbers popping up, it was romney in a blowout. look at the business sites that say romney, other sites, a couple of news networks have
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various opinion polls on the economy, foreign sales, one gets the edge to the president, the other gives the edge to romney. but it was all romney two weeks ago. there's a bit more of a hustle this time around. and that is to the mayor's point could be the biggest difference of all. we will have more coming from here including former new york governor george becky on what happens now and what happens in florida a week from now. more after this. you see us, at the start of the day. on the company phone list that's a few names longer. you see us bank on busier highways. on once empty fields. everyday you see all the ways all of us at us bank
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neil: all right, let's take a look at what is going on in the
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not directly to do with this or the big run up but we show them anyway after the opening trade it will keep trading but i find interesting a lot of use surveyed think mitt romney widened. even now of cbs has noted the president slightly performing better they admit romney. on the economy more than two /1 that is the signature issue of the race.
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they are a knee-jerk snap reaction. you have the right to know what they are. governor george protect the on the economy. it is interesting. more related to romney with a similar sampling they thought the president won the overall debate. >> it is clear on the economy governor romney did when the debate. the president was unable to explain how he would have different economic policies in the next four years. the past four years have not been successful. neil: he said things are getting better but that was not enough?
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>> not at all. mitt romney had a 5.agenda. people nderstand that is what we need. neil: conservatives get rankled when the romney said i believe in making contraceptives available for all men explain i will cut taxes but the rich will still pay the same share. wrote i wonder about the rich and religious conservatives. he is not what we thought. >> not at all. they also hear president obama. neil: you are not troubled by that? >> governor romney said consistently we will not raise taxes on what obama calls the rich. the america people
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understand that is not a good idea. no question governor romney agenda goes more with the american people than the president. neil: not to be overly critical of of colleague but for her to correct mitt romney on a tear remark that he was wrong to say the president did not say it was a terrorist act. the president did not say that. the president clearly made incorrect statements about mitt romney and it did not run to his defense. >> it was a little unsettling. the most of rages comment the president said in the rose the garden i condemned
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saying it was a terrorist attack. i read the transcript. know he did not. neil: that is what mitt romney match. was caught romney off guard is wind candy jumped on. it is clear what he meant. he did not call this the terrorist attack the day after. it was weird. >> it was strange. >> when the moderator backs up on something that is incorrect is disappointing. neil: what about the format? >> i did not like the format i love the idea of questions from ordinary citizens. but it turned out to be the moderator directing the way she thought it should go with the occasional question. that did not work well. neil: it got sloppy. i think florida will be more
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give-and-take. >> maybe champagne glasses but no sold weapons. governor, good to see you. we have jim brewer. another hot issue. the immigration policy of arizona. whether the president had all but effectively called mitt romney a racist. [h7 i'm a conservative investor.
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>> he called the arizona law the model for the nation that law enforcement officers can stop people that they suspected that they looked like undocumented workers and check their papers. you know, what? if my daughter, or yours, looks to be like they are not a citizen i don't want them to power somebody. romney: i did not say the arizona law was the model for the nation and i said it was e verify that employers could determine if they were here illegally or legally was the model. neil: who better to clarify
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a governor bruce were from arizona. >> it was interesting. there he goes again misrepresenting the senate bill and what arizona has proposed. senate bill 1078 was up held unanimously by the supreme court. basically the president continues to race bait and it is unfortunate. neil: was it a failure on mitt romney's part to say we would not have to do the crackdown on immigration if you were effected please succeeding on the federal level? did he miss the opportunity to clarify and instead was caught in the president's
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web of defending the race policy. this failure is the federal policy? >> absolutely. president obama is good at spending his story. he continues to tell the people things that are not a part of the issue dealing with illegal immigration. it mirrors a federal law. with debates it is difficult to get the points out. he is a spin art is. mitt romney held his own. i look toward working with him. neil: you don't think that moment sam was disrupted wind the pollsters said the president came back to 98?
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>> he can talk and talk and talk he cannot talk away his four years of failure. i thought mitt romney did a fabulous job. it was a good rumble. it got very interesting at times. invading each other's space but people want to know how you will solve the problems. mitt romney told people how he would solve it. the president just talked. he had four years. who is better off? nobody. neil: when you hear the president talk to make a pitch to women and governor romney tried to do the same, i wondered with the immigration debate if each did not make a plush for
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latinos? you should be with me. the president has seven out of 10 latinos. the sentiment is that is the one edge he has that net romney is unable to break. >> everyboby once the latino vote. we one to them to be successful just like we want everybody to be successful. if they have heard what has been spoken untruths filet about immigration and here in arizona. we have to work harder to get our story out. it was federal law unanimously upheld by the supreme court. employees officers stop
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people ask for identification. to continuously race bait is wrong. it is wrong to seven thank you governor. i think the next guy is a democrat. robert gibbs former white house spokesman. how did the president do? >> he gave the clear and commanding performance on economic issues as well as national security. he had of great debate. i thought i romney looked a little unbalanced. maybe nervous. tonight was a great success for us. neil: i heard democrats were good enough to get off the map. get in the game. >> we had a lot of discussion with a
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town hall could you talk directly to them? neil: they settled that issue. >> but they could contrast their visions. these were irked at where the president did enormously well. governor romney looked ill-prepared to answer basic questions and his plans does not add up. neil: negative is it bother you he throws it back at the president? look at your record. high unemployment rate, the 5 million jobs, population growth and then who resonates? >> the american people know it took us awhile to get into this economic mess.
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it will take us awhile to get out. they understand they were working harder, becoming more productive watching the wages flat line or declined. we have a long way to go. we have to dig our way out of bet. foreclosures that the five-year low. consumer confidence back up. unemployment for year low. neil: you think numbers are better. but that is not a good. that is a tough sell. >> that is what the campaign is about. the president aid a commanding and compelling case when he was to do to move us from where we are to where we want to be bright
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think we agree we are not where we want to be. digging out from the masses of calamity. a lot of the economy to strengthen and middle-class families feeling pressure and anxiety. neil: is that message getting across? cbs has the president winning but on the economy two /1 margin governor romney was winning. if that is the dominating issue, led the president has some explaining to do. >> i have not seen the polls neil: none of these are scientific. >> but the very first question what the president once the economy to look like for college students to
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leave school going into the environment, that is when i knew he would have a good debate. neil: of a dumb question. >> no such thing. neil: in denver the president did not linger very long. for all i know he is still there. is it if you are confident use to around? surely after my exams i was a puff of smoke. i did not hang around. >> i did not get a chance to talk after. he was hanging around. he felt he did well. these guys have them running all over the country and you just turn them loose and a room of 80 undecided voters.
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neil: do you think they were all undecided? if you are then you can come. i am undecided. >> i have friends that are convinced there cannot and possibly be the undecided voter in this country. neil: they're all in this room today. good to see you. robert gibbs. we will get reaction from the global markets. nonexclusive. it is part of the added value of our coverage. how markets around the world respond, four years ago who said we would get the latest tweets? that is how far we have come. tweets.
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neil: so many have been e mail laing us and adjust them out there is a
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difference between that and tweets. you have let us know how you feel. maybe you are in economically will be but a margin of nine/one romney did well. these tweets represent romney has been excellent. my vote has shifted to him from michelle obama. [laughter] >> she already voted. obama won the debate. >> wide is crowley feel she has to defend the president? neil: with the unusual role trying to clarify a the remark. >> you can raid my frigid and order pay-per-view any
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time. and not leaving anyone here or there. neil: many of my staff have done it and regret it. my next guest is here with me and feels just like robert gibbs. governor, he got him off the mat and now what? >> he did a good job. he defined the failure of the obama administration. neil: he was the same as two weeks ago. >> tonight obama's showed up neil: other news organizations say this because he was engaged? >> a fact he was so bad last
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time means he did not have to do much to do better. neil: he was more in-your-face. >> i think that is rude. it was an odd debate. i thought the moderator had done a terrible job. she was dead wrong. neil: all governor romney's said is it took the president to weeks and using the word is not the same thing. for her to defend the president looked like the pylon. >> she cut off from the and shortchanged him on time and what was expected the equal number of presentations. neil: i thought if i just
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defended -- embarrassed by eight -- myself i will defend aramark from romney. >> she probably never noticed. neil: you may be right. how does this resonate? >> the romney campaign has to do with it and define it clearly the president did not call it terrorism the next day. neil: that is a wapner. i will run the quote tomorrow to say here is the ally. >> it is a huge. he had smaller ones. the statement on oil drilling, shale gas was wrong, he lied on coal. neil: what about fact checker candy? that is mutual annihilation. >> romney came out
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framing, i don't think -- i think next week with the foreign policy will be a big problem for the president in particular with been gauzy gauzy -- benghazi. lindsey gramm talking about whole blown in the embassy. neil: they knew. >> if the president was not briefed then shame on him for not having a white house that people understood that is what he wants to hear. neil: a good point* occasionally make a few. [laughter] one of my favorite guests. he always answers your questions. it may not likeewhat he says. [laughter] calming down a little bit
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but more obama people tonight even with the joe biden debate with paul ryan. >> that was a concerted effort. five minutes away from the end of the debate, we were waiting to wind down and all of the seven out of nowhere all of the use blue obama sarich designs came streaming out from this side corridor. they were running out here as fast as they could to start spending before the debate was over. they were here way before the romney people. to get out faat and in force. neil: that is true.
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they learned from denver with the republican operatives that got out 50 minutes before. great reporting. peter barnes is like our right arm. bain capital manager up next and knows mitt romney. how did he do? >> as well as last time. neil: i agree. but tonight he had an opponent. >> president obama said the expectations so low. neil: now the president will say he did this or that. the president won the debate but on economic issues mitt romney run. >> i think he killed him with the issue of jobs, energy. neil: next week foreign policy if the president wins
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committees seems to score points. who knows? >> when we see the transcript. neil: what about the pressure next week in florida? >> they are fighting for ohio. will that drive the issue? neil: of course, the president makes it the issue who do trust? about what he knew of. >> i think he is in trouble. how could he have not known? neil: he will do everything to economic policy. mitt romney will say it is national-security. >> that's right. but i think obama's wants to go there because i think with benghazi he is in
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trouble. neil: with you pay a lower rate excederin excederin excederin does that go through to the folks at home? >> yes. there is always employees were says employers. neil: good that hurt in the swing state? are you worried? >> i think what frustrates me is obama's has a brilliant campaiin strategy killing the economy. 1.1 trillion dollar deficit pretend $100 billion tax increase on the rich will close the gap. it will not then criticize every spending reduction pretending romney's idea is to reduce spending will
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jeopardize the middle class. we know what jeopardize is it, the runaway spending. neil: three weeks to make the argument. >> people have to realize it kills the private-sector. neil: the brain behind bain capital that has been the focus of this campaign. now the next one in florida they are already calling it the rubber match. not to disparage the president he just showed up. mitt romney was the same as two weeks ago but he had a more engaged opponent. we're told florida could come to blows. each is considering bringing weapons. that could be pay-per-view.
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we will be there. we will keep you updated on the things that matter to you. we are there all the time.r er o. since 1863 we've helped guide our clients, so they can take the steps to help grow, preserve, and pass along their wealth. so their footsteps can help the next generation find their own path. all of us serving you. us bank
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0t[h7 music is a universal language. but when i was in an accident... i was worried th health care system


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